Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Butternut Squash Recipes

Dear Emily,

I so wish we lived closer! I would have loved to have been there sewing with ya'll! I love the idea! I might just have to find some people near me to sew some dresses. I will have to take a look at the Dress a Girl Around the World site.

Hanging out in North Carolina seems to have brought out my southern drawl a bit! What a fun weekend we had at the Southern Blogger's Conference! So much new info on blogging. I have so many things I want to sew and make if it weren't for the laundry, cooking, and cleaning, I'd have time.Sigh.

Speaking of cooking, I have had a huge butternut squash on the counter for a couple of weeks. I love roasted butternut squash from this recipe in Fine Cooking.

That recipe is my old standby. It is so good as is and terrific pureed into a soup. The problem, though, is that no one in my family eats it except Anthony. The squash was so big I made a third of it this way, roasted another third plain to use in something everyone will eat. I hope. (cookies or muffins) The other third, I used in the recipe posted by Mel on Mel's Kitchen Cafe. Chicken and Butternut Squash Quinoa Stew. Oh. My. Goodness. So good! Anthony ate it. Caroline ate it. Paul got home late and had a peanut butter and jelly and promised he'd eat some tomorrow. Gabe wouldn't touch it. He did stand at the counter earlier and ate some of the squash raw and said "mmm. this is so good." I had high hopes he would eat the stew. Nope. Or as he has been saying lately, 'how'


Now, go buy yourself a butternut squash. I am sure your kids will gobble it up. Maybe mine just aren't big soup eaters?



  1. That looks delicious! I have a butternut squash sitting on my counter and I bought chicken thighs today. We are having this for dinner tomorrow.

  2. Thank you so much to you and your sister and that precious baby boy for coming to the conference. Can you believe we are about 20 minutes away from each other? When things settle after Halloween (getting ready for a huge Birthday/Halloween Carnival) I would love to meet up with you and a few others for coffee. ttys

    1. Thank you Barb for organizing the conference. We had such a great time and came away with a lot of valuable information. I would love to get together after Halloween for coffee. I look forward to it!
