Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Nursing shawl

I have always used a Hooter Hider when I nurse in public.  I have made some of my own but mostly use the one I bought when Liam was a baby.  But my sister-in-law has the most beautiful, simple nursing shawl to nurse my beautiful new nephew, Silas.  It was very modest and covered your back and sides.  When I commented on it, she handed it to me and said if she had known what it was she would have asked Monica or I to make one for her.  So, when I got home after our weekend away, I made one.  It seriously took me all of 5 minutes to cut and sew it!

I used a sheer knit that I had on hand, but any light weight knit will do.  I cut a piece that was the 66"x30" and trimmed the selvage.  This particular knit happened to be very wide as most knits are 60" wide.  Then I folded the piece in half width wise to give me a piece that was 33"x30".  Then I sewed the top edge starting about 7.5" in and sewed a diagonal line that was 8" long.  I really didn't measure, I just eyeballed it.  

And that was it!  Super simple! 

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