Monday, May 28, 2012

Pirates. Again.

Well, one pirate actually. We had a good old-fashioned Memorial Day parade this weekend and Anthony's cub scout troup was in the parade - he has been waiting to be in the parade since we moved here five years ago. He was finally old enough to be in scouts this year so he was able to be in the parade. The theme for their float was pirates and I do think it was the best float in the parade.

[bad shot, I know, don't blame me, blame my camera]

Those scouts dressed as pirates would get to ride the float so Anthony "needed" a costume. He already had enough pirate accesories but he got it in his head that he needed red and white striped pants. I suggested something like the shirts Emily made but he insisted on the red and white pants. Not that I always do what he says, but I figured I would at least look at Joann's for the right fabric. Would you believe that at the end of May, in a very small section of Halloween fabric, they actually had the material?

I made a quick and easy pair of elastic waist pants from this pattern. I have made these pants a bunch, mostly for pajama pants.

(Emily's and my kids when there were just four, not the seven we have now)

Several times recently I have seen directions for an easy waistband that eliminates having to thread the elastic through a casing (not a favorite step in sewing for me). I used my serger for this and I am not sure how well it would work without a serger. After stretching the elastic, I cut a piece of waistband elastic to fit Anthony's waist, adding about an inch for overlapping and sewing the ends together. I divided the elastic loop into four even sections, marking each with a pin. And I marked the center front, the center back and sides on the pants. I pinned the elastic inside the waist a quarter of an inch below the top of the pants. I then serged the elastic to the pants stretching the elastic to fit the pants as I sewed.

Once the elastic has been served onto the waist, simply fold over to the inside and stitch in place, stretching again as you sew. Super fast waistband! The pants had raggedy edges on the bottoms of the legs so to make it even easier, I didn't have to hem them.
He was quite pleased with himself, especially after I put a charcoal beard on him.
He had a ball, even though this was all anyone could see of him
Caroline and Gabe enjoyed the parade, too.
Gabe loved the fire trucks but was terrified of the guys in kilts carrying bagpipes and this
I get the fear of this in the picture above. And the Texas Roadhouse armadillo. And the Chick Fil A cow. But kilts??

Edited to add: Yes, Gabe needs a haircut. The last one, at the barber Anthony goes to, did not I am waiting until I can take him to my favorite hairdresser who does a great job with kids. Actually she is just all around fantastic.


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