Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Antique dress

My Aunt Judi loves to antique.  She bought Monica and me each a set of adorable, antique baby booties when we were expecting our first babes.  She has a great eye for treasures.

A while back, she found a beautiful white dress and just had to buy it, especially because she thought it might fit Caroline.  But it didn't, it was too tight in the bodice.  Yay for me!  It fits Natalie and it is just beautiful.  I had to take the straps up about an inch and the bodice just fits her but she will be able to wear it this summer.

I love the little details on this dress.  The cross over front, the deep hem, the hand stitched button holes, but especially the little sea shell pieces of lace hand sewn onto the top of the bodice.

Thank you Aunt Judi for such a lovely dress!  We will treasure it and wear it often and pass it on to the next little girl!


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