Monday, August 13, 2012

Magnetic Board

Dear Monica,

It has been forever since I have written a post and even longer since I have done any kind of sewing.  Since we came back from our trip, I have been focused on organizing our house.  I started with the kitchen and cleaned out all the cabinets and rearranged the dishes and pots and pans and collected an entire box of items to donate. I also rearranged the pantry and the fridge.  I used a lot of tips from IHeart Organizing and the kitchen looks so much better! And the bonus is that nothing comes crashing down on my head when I open my cabinets.

As I was de-cluttering, I found a bag of magnets that had some magnetic letters and a Leap Frog animal matching game in it.  We have a stainless look refrigerator and while it is magnetic, it scratches terribly so we just opted to put the magnets the kids play with away.  A while back on Pinterest I saw a great solution to our dilemma and seemed like a good time to finally use one of those ideas I pinned.

Here it is!  Our new magnetic board.

Yep, it is a giant metal drip pan from the automotive department at Walmart.  I paid $12 for it.  I need to get/make some more magnetic letters and I think I might paint it with chalkboard paint to make it even more fun.  Sam asked me why I hadn't done it a long time ago.  It would have kept the fridge from being scratched.  


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