Thursday, November 15, 2012

ID Bracelets

Dear Emily,

One of my biggest fears is loosing my children in a public place and I can imagine it is one of yours, too. I have seen the temporary tattoos that have a name and contact information that can be made for a big trip, such as to Disney World. Actually they would be great for any outing - the park, the mall, Wegmans. I have thought about making some. There is even tattoo paper for the Silhouette. 

This summer we took a trip to the zoo with a friend and her four kids. That is seven kids from ages 2 - 10. On a typical busy summer day at the National Zoo in DC. Crowded. We lost Anthony once. He had just wandered ahead but I panicked. My friend and I were talking about what to do if anyone was lost - would the child know what to do. We have been working on memorizing our home phone number. There are just too many numbers to learn these days! Home, mom's cell, dad's cell. She and I talked about the tattoo IDs but I am sure I would forget them. My friend had a brilliant idea...bracelets with a cell number on them! 

 I got some stretchy cord,

 colored beads,

and number beads. 
(I found these at Hobby Lobby, Michaels didn't have them. 
Love Hobby Lobby. It is like Michaels on steroids.)

I made a bracelet for each of the kids. I have enough number beads left over to make one for each with Paul's cell number.

Sorting and stringing beads was a nice activity to do with Caroline while Gabe was napping. And these trays from Kids Cuisine microwave meals are perfect for sorting. They make great paint trays, too.


1 comment:

  1. What a great idea. I need to make some of those to keep in the car.
