Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Too much fabric, so little time!

I hauled out some of my fabric today that was on the top of the pile of fabric to make things for the kids. I have quite a pile. More things for Caroline because there are more girly fabrics out there than fabric for boys. Like this one I found last week that I couldn't resist:

I am envisioning an overalls jumper.
It was tough finding time to meet my one hour challenge today. Gabe had a slight fever and wanted to be held a lot. I am wondering if he is getting his two year molars. I did manage to get the top to a two piece outfit cut out for Caroline. If tomorrow is as productive as today maybe I will be at least able to cut out the bottoms.
- Monica

 My original idea floating around in my head, did not pan out because I didn't have enough fabric in the shirt I was upcycling.  Oh, well, I went back to the drawing board and started all over and was actually able to complete an entire outfit today!!  I was sure that I would not get anything done with our crazy nap schedule, but Mikey and Natalie both took long naps this afternoon and all Jack wanted to do was watch TV since it was really too chilly to play outside.  I felt rather productive.  Since I will be single parenting it this week we will just have to see how much I can complete in the next few days. 


  1. Another reason I wish we lived closer...I am single-parenting it this week, too. If we were closer we could co-parent!

  2. That fabric is AWESOME, Monica. My oldest is obsessed with owls, but suffers from MDS syndrome (Mo doesn's sew). Sigh...

  3. Ana - I couldn't resist when I saw it. I need another yard of fabric like a hole in the head and the last thing Caroline needs are more clothes!
