Monday, July 9, 2012

Peach Cobbler

Dear Emily,

This heat wave makes me not want to do a thing! I did manage to reorganize some tubs of fabric in the garage and Paul cleaned the entire garage out. It was unbelievably messy. Most of what is left in the middle of the garage are some furniture pieces waiting to be painted. And your chairs. If it were not for the furniture, Paul could get a car in there. (That's not saying much - it is a two car garage.)

I baked a peach cobbler today and the house smells so good! I slightly modified a recipe from an old cookbook. Here is what I did:

I peeled and thinly sliced 5 cups of peaches. (Maybe 6 or 7 peaches, I could go count the pits but they are already in the compost bucket and that is kinda gross.) I combined 1 cup of sugar and 11/2 tablespoons of cornstarch in a saucepan and slowly stirred in 1 1/2 cups of water. While stirring, I brought it to a boil and allowed it to boil one minute while stirring. I turned off the heat and added the sliced peaches.
At this point, they looked so good I could have eaten it like this.
This was poured into a baking dish and dotted with butter. I used what was left of the stick from the dough - 3 tablespoons. Maybe too much but when a recipe says "dot with butter" how much butter does that really mean. Do you like my neat little squares? Looks like marshmallows. I meant to put cinnamon on after the butter but forgot so I added it after the dough.

In a bowl, I combined
1 1/2 cups of flour
1 1/2 tablespoons of sugar
2 teaspoons of baking powder
3/4 teaspoon of salt

I cut in 5 tablesppons of butter until the mixture resembled corn meal.Next, I stirred in 3/4 cup of milk. The batter was dropped by spoonfuls onto the hot peaches. And baked for 25 + minutes in a 400 degree oven.
The dark brown is the cinnamon that should have been sprinkled on before the dough. Doesn't make as pretty of a presentation but it still tasted great! 
With a scoop of ice cream.

And the empty dish. We have company so there was none left for breakfast!



  1. Dear Monica,

    YUM!! I wish I could make Peach Cobbler. Sadly, it would be wasted on my family (except for me and Liam).

  2. Same here, it would just be Anthony and me eating it in our house. We have a family of six visiting who loved it so we had no problem finishing it. Maybe you could make a half recipe? Or make it in two 9 inch cake pans and freeze one?
