Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sewing Space

Dear Emily,

It seems like we are both on vacation! We had a derecho, which caused a power outage, which caused an impromptu trip to the beach to escape the hot, hot house. Thankfully we only lost power for 24 hours and all the make ahead crock pot meals I had made stayed frozen in the freezer! I made a quick trip to Mom and Dad's with the kids to have our sweet 16-year old cat, Celia, put to sleep and bury her in the back yard with our other family pets. Caroline was pretty upset and is now hoping for a kitten for her next birthday. One that will let her pet it, unlike Celia. We did bring Anne-Marie home with us - not only is she wonderful company but it sure is nice having a teenager around!

Not much sewing has been going on here. In fact, my sewing machine is nearly buried because I am in the middle of reorganizing my sewing space. I have to do that every couple of months. I keep imagining a dream sewing room. I ran across this blog the other day. Kathy Mack of Pink Chalk Studio is having "Where I Sew Month" on her blog, featuring the sewing space of a different designer each day. I love it! Now I don't feel so bad not having that "dream space."  Once I get my space cleaned up, I will add it to her mosaic of photos. And speaking of spaces, the kids rooms are painted but there is still more to do before I send you a picture. In the meantime, after I find my sewing machine, I need to sew some skirts for our sister-in-law. And Anne-Marie and I are going to plan a project or two for her to sew while she is here.

Thanks for the quilt ideas. I really like the stack and whack idea a lot. Since I am planning on using batik, that might be the perfect design. Bring the book when I see you in August. I did see a neat technique using jelly rolls on 3 Dudes Quilting site.

I could use these bali pops from the Fat Quarter Shop

Plum Pudding Bali Pop by Hoffman Fabrics

Your diapers turned out great! I wish I could say I am ready to pass Gabe's on to you but we are at a standstill with the potty training. We need a quiet week at home!



  1. I love that Jelly Roll quilt! And yes, we are on "vacation" since I haven't really sewn anything or made anything lately.

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